Friday, October 31, 2014

11/7 homework

Homework for 11/7, read and study for the SCA!


Answer the following fully:

1. What is the difference between a term and session of congress? (263-4)
2. How many members are there in the House of Reps.? How many Reps. does California have? What is the total number of members in Congress (House and Senate combined)?
3. Why does Ca. have so many Reps.?
4. What is reapportionment and how does it work? (267-8 fully explain)?
5. Look at the map on page 268 and answer the following:
a. Which States have only one Rep.?
b. Which States lost Reps?
c. Which States gained Reps?
d. Why have the "Rust Belt" states lost and the "Sun Belt" states gained Reps. (Listen carefully in class and I'll tell you!)?
6. What date is given for congressional elections (269 be specific)?
7. What is a single-member district vs. voting at-large for Reps.? (270)
8. Literally, what is Gerrymandering? (271)
9. What are the qualifications to be a member of the House? (272)
10. Prior to the 17th Amendment, how were Senators "selected"? (276)
11. What are the qualifications to be a member of the Senate? (277-8)
12. Look at the cartoon on page 278 and explain, according the the cartoon, how Senators were selected in the late nineteenth century?
13. What is the oversight function of Congress and WHY is it soooo important? (281)
14. Make a list of the salary and other compensations or benefits members of Congress are offered. (282-4)

Political Cartoon Project

Political Cartoon Project
Due: December 5 at the beginning of class.

The project:
Collect 50 political cartoons and give a one to two sentence analysis for each cartoon. The cartoons you use should come from this semester (no earlier than August 11, 2014). ***this is an individual project!!! (Lexie rule).
Create a project around your cartoons (look all around the classroom for examples from past projects). I will give many examples of what you may attempt. Listen carefully to instructions (this is true for most things in life!). If you have any questions or ideas you want to check out, see me! Don't procrastinate, remember projects are 20% of your grade in this course.

Bon chance

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10/31 homework

Homework due 10/31
Be sure not to miss the Interest Group simulation! Points will be awarded and siezed to and from your groups grade. Points awarded to the winners. Pay attention and be participate.

Chapter 9
Read pages 236-54
Special Interest Groups
Complete the following:

1. What is the underlying purpose of interest groups?
2. What do Madison and de Tocqueville say about interest groups in the U.S.? (238-9)
3. What are 5 valuable funtions of interest groups? (239)
4. What are 4 criticisms of interest groups? (240)
5. What are economic interest groups? (243-4)
6. What are public-interest-groups? (247)
7. What are PACs and how do they operate? (250-4)

Friday, October 03, 2014

10/17 homework

Homework due 10/17, SCA to follow.
Chapter 7
Read pages 179-202

Ch. 7 Elections

Define the following terms:

1. caucus
2. direct primary
3. closed primary
4. open primary
5. blanket primary
6. runoff primary
7. absentee voting
8. coattail effect
9. Australian ballot
10. office-group ballot
11. party column ballot
12. bedsheet ballot
13. Political action committee
14. subsidy
15. Hard v. soft money