Wednesday, November 09, 2011

bill to law cheats...


House of Reps:

Intro a bill/ first read
Hopper-give bill a number and send to correct committee
goes to committee for action
sent to subcommittee
sent back to full committee with mark-ups
discharge petition
sent to Rules Committee-set the limit for debate in the HOR.
sent to the whole HOUSE for debate
The whole HOUSE votes
Votes yes, then goes to the Senate

Intro the bill/ first read
Senates version of the hopper to decide to what committee the bill should go
goes to committee for action
sent to subcommittee
sent back to full committee with mark-ups
discharge petition
sent to the whole Senate (no Rules Committee)
debate in the "well" of the Senate
filibuster/cloture motion
Whole Senate votes yes
sent to Conference Committee to "tiddy up" the bill for the POTUS to sign.