Monday, May 06, 2013

Final Exam Study Guide

Gov't. final exam study guide

Gov’t study guide

Chapter 1Public policyLegislative,executive,judicial powersConstitutionDictatorship,democracy, state, sovereignAutocracy,oligarchy,plutocracyUnitary, federal, confederalPresidential, parliamentary

Chapter 2Limited gov’t, representative gov’tMagna carta, petition of rights, English bill of rights 1689Charter, proprietaryUnicameral, bicameralAlbany plan of union, popular sovereigntyArticles of ConfederationVirginia (Randolph), NewJersey (Patterson), Connecticut (Sherman)-Great {Compromises}Three-fifths, commerce and slave trade compromisesFederalists, Anti-Federalists, Federalist papers, quorum

Chapter 3Six basic principles of gov’t.Preamble, articles, amendmentsRule of law!Separation of powers, checks and balances, veto, judicial reviewMethods of amending the Const., bill of rights!Treaty, electoral college, cabinet, senatorial courtesy

Chapter 4Federalism, division of powerDelegated power, exclusive power, expressed power, implied power, inherent power, concurrent power, reversed powerRevenue sharing, block grants, categorical grants, grants-in-aidFull faith and credit clause! Privileges and immunities clauseExtradition

Chapter 5Political partiesPartisan, partisanshipParty in power vs. party out of powerTwo party systemMinor partiesSingle member districtSimple majority, majority, pluralityBipartisan, consensus, coalitionIncumbent, factions, electorate, sectionalismIdeological,single-issue,economic protest, splinter {parties}Ward, precinct, Party organsation

Chapter 6Suffrage, electorate, transient, poll books, literacy tests, poll taxGERRYMANDERINGPresidential vs. off year electionsPolitical efficacy and socializationParty ID, straight-ticket voting, split-ticket votingWhere do people get their political ideology?

Chapter 7Declaration of nomination, primaries, CAUCUS.!Direct primary, closed primary, open primary, blanket primary, runoff primaryAbsentee voting, types of ballots, coattail effectPOLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES (PACS)Soft vs hard money

Chapter 8Public opinion vs. public affairsMass mediaPeer groups, opinion leadersMandateInterest groups, straw votes, quota samplePublic agenda

Chapter 9Interest group and public policy, public affairsTrade associations, public-interest groupsPropaganda, single-interest groupsLOBBYINGGrass roots

Chapter 10Term vs. sessionQualification for house and senateApportion, apportionment, reapportionment, GERRYMANDERINGSingle-member districtsIncumbent, constituencyOversight function!Franking privilege.

Chapter 11Expressed, implied, inherent {powers}Strict vs. liberal (loose) constructionalistTaxes-direct, indirectPublic debt, bankruptcyEminent domain, copyrightElastic clause-necessary and proper clause.Impeachment (House Judiciary Committee is the first step)

Chapter 12House leadership, Senate leadershipCAUCUS, seniority rule, committee chairmen (committee is the answer!)Standing, select, joint and conference committeesResolutions, rider, Christmas tree bill, discharge petition, engrossedFilibuster, rule 22 of the senate, cloture motion.Veto, pocket veto.
Chapter 13Roles of the President (8)25th amendment, succession of the PresidentElectoral college!Powers of the President!War Powers Act of 1973Line-item veto

Chapter 18Diagram of the court structureInferior courts, jurisdictionCriminal vs. civil casesAdversarial structure